These are current technology photographic enlargements.
Each gallery quality enlargement is available in the signature size: 24” x 17”
Each Automotive Gallery Art piece is individually produced from the original 35mm slide.
Only 25 enlargements will be made from each slide.
$1000 for each signed print. 
production time is six to eight weeks.

There are three enlargement papers.

The first option is new for 2022: printed on aluminum sheet.
We haven't put the purchase link in yet, so email for more information.

The second option is a new tech metallic paper.

     The story behind this paper. I did not want the prints to be merely gloss photo stock, upon which display lighting would flare across the composition. I also wanted the enlargements to be viewed without being behind a glass plate frame, with distracting ebony or pine frame. Creating the same light flare situation across the composition..
     So we went in search of a paper that would take lighting in a detailed manner, without distracting from the image, while enhancing all aspects of the composition.
This paper was chosen to express the composition, Take a close look at the photo of the paper’s surface below.      You will see how it achieves the lighting performance sought. The surface is textured, like leather or raw cast aluminum. Being metallic paper it also subtly enhances the subliminal read of the automotive compositions.
Click image for popup window with closer image of surface detail.
S. Scott Callan photography
Greeting Cards
VGM magazine
The third option is the paper below. This is another new tech paper that reproduces the composition in a matte lithographic manner. It has a satisfying depth and thickness of color application, providing a superb opaque strength of image.
The intense glare of the light on the studio surface below print shows performance of paper’s matte finish.
Enlargements are dry mounted and shipped in custom artwork boxes. Packaging, handling and shipping are included in the purchase.
To purchase use the paypal link on the page of the photograph you would like.
Selecting the paypal links you see here, you can choose the Metallic paper or the Matte finish.
Would like more information?


or call: 510.388.2636
Automotive Gallery Art Purchasing Information