Project: J. D. Felter
The subject focus of this campaign was the amazing Jack Setton collection in France.

The strategy, both graphically and editorially, was to place the cars in the timeframe of their achievements.  The very imaginative client, Jay D. Felter, who was handeling the sale for Jack, had been gathering archive material on the collection.  Jay's discerning taste, historic knowledge and long standing relationships with the world's most aclaimed auto sports photograhers made this a rich archive of material to draw from.

The cars, their provenance, the depth of the research conducted and the creative relationship with Jay made this a most enjoyable project. 

As this rich archive of material grew, the ads themselves evolved in imagery and subject depth. As can be seen here.

This campaign was completely unique from the many classic car broker ads that fill the pages of the Classic Car publications.  
The ads shown here are but an example of the complete campaign.

The photographs chosen are primarily from the archives of Rainer Schlegelmilch and the Parisian Alberto Martinez and Sutton Motorsports images.

All pre-press work was performed by Creative Type in Dallas; chosen because of their excellence & proximity to the client.
The full page spreads appeared in Cavallino, while the full single page ads shown ran in MotorSport, Bernie Ecclestone's F1 magazine, Forza &  Vintage Racecar.

Some of the ad images here are from the original comp sketches of the ads, while the rest are from the finished art.