Each edition of
Alfa Romeo:
View from the Mouth of the Dragon
is custom made.
On the title page is printed the name of the person for whom the book is ordered. You'll notice the wording here. It implies that the book may be ordered as a gift. If it is, the name of the person who ordered a copy for a lucky friend or spouse is also listed below the new owners name. It reads: Produced for (their name) & Produced at the request of (Your name).
In the days following your order you will be receive an e-mail showing the title page with your name, or the name of the person you are giving it to as a gift. This is to confirm your purchase and the spelling of the names as they will appear on the title page.
Each book is dated, numbered & signed by the author & illustrator.
This richly detailed story is interwoven with 34 complex engineering illustrations & 30 illustrations of the Alfa's they went in. All the illustrations were done specifically for this edition in the pen & ink watercolor publishing style of the Thirties and Forties. It also contains 56 color photographs, and a couple dozen film frames of the races between the wars.
For those of you unfamiliar with how we at Velocity produce our books, allow me to explain. We operate in the same manner as the subscription publishers of the 19th Century; when an order is placed we prepare each galley specific to the collector, then to maintain complete consistency of ink tones throughout, that galley is produced individually in a singular press-run, then hand bound.
As you can imagine every step of this is time consuming, but it is the binding that is truly complex. It is at the binding stage that we hold up a series of books ordered and galleys produced over say a month, because the bindery has to be setup specifically to do our books; to individually sew together the signatures, of which there are fifteen to each book, then fabricating each cover, into which a title has to be foil stamped - using old lead type - two times on front and once on spine, case in the book with finger boards and bookmark missal ribbon, then placed in a two ton book press for twenty four hours, this all can only be done in series.
Each 369 Alfa page book is printed on acid free art archival paper and hand bound in the finest burgundy leather. So you never lose your place while reading, each copy has a missal ribbon book mark bound into the finger boards. As mentioed above, it takes six to eight weeks to produce and deliver.
Current edition number 96
Alfa Romeo:
View from the Mouth of the Dragon
(It should be noted that this is half the cost of limited edition leather bounds from other publishers.)
And, yes, Packaging & shipping have increased. As in the past, we charge less than what it costs us. Packaging & shipping is $19 in the Continental US and $50 internationally.
The Buy Now button below will take you to Paypal's secure site, where any credit card or Paypal account can be used for purchase.
When you order your edition, we send out a confirmation email like this one for Aresio. This allows you to make certain your name is spelled correctly and appears as you would wish.
If it is to be a gift, it will read:
Produced for (Their name)
At the request of (Your name)