Customer Comments

Dear Scott,
One small advantage of being sick at home is i could start reading the book immediately. At this moment i'm starting on chapter 9...
Yesterday Metal Memory arrived and the first impression was it is a beautifully produced book. Nice red leather , quality paper etc. But having started reading it, it proves also to be very well researched and a pleasant read. All this together i consider Metal Memory to be a "Must
Have" for ANY serious automotive library!
I want to thank you for writing one of my favorite books on the subject "Ferrari" ever!
Warm regards,
Dear Scott,
I have received my Metal Memory, the book is just fantastic, a wonderful work of art! I’m proud of owning the book. Metal Memory will always have a very special place in my collection of Ferrari-books. Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Dear Mr. Callan,
We are in the middle of a global recession, banks are capsizing and a look at my stock portfolio depresses me. So the arrival of your book this afternoon was a most pleasant and uplifting surprise. The book is just great, very different from others, but all the better for it.
Many thanks for a wonderful creation.
Kind regards,
I received the book, it’s great! These are absolutely the kind of books I love.
Much, much better than all the general Ferrari stuff.
The Netherlands
Hello Scott,
I wanted to let you know the book arrived in fine condition. I just returned from the Colorado Grand to find it on my desk. As you know three of the photos in the book are of my 290MM and that is the car I drove in the Grand.
Thank you very much, it is quite an interesting book with a level of history that is hard to match for many cars.
My copy of Metal Memory arrived and I am delighted with the book, if you look on page 249 there is a shot of the TR in Victoria BC and I remember Bill visiting after a vintage race in Westwood Raceway in Vancouver. Not too often that racing TR visits our corner of the World. In any case I really appreciate your putting me onto the list of customers for the book, it is tremendous.
The beautiful book arrived in good order and it has become my constant companion for the past few days. Metal Memory is an amazing piece of work in every respect.
Los Angeles
Hi Scott,
Metal Memory is incredible! I look forward to receiving Automobilist Century and the Alfa book.
Best Regards,