This year at the WTIC at Road America was quite different. Two Historic Race Circuits (HRC) members had made a special effort to have this year's focus on Dan Gurney and his Eagles. Or his AAR eagle cars. The Collier brought the Spa winning F1 car. The selection of Indy cars was significant, not only in their exploration of aero effects, but also in their array of engines which were experimentally impressive, ingenious in configuration, and sometimes outright amusing.
This year's photo essay of the WTIC is much different than last year's.
Here the focus was on unusual compositions expressing the character of this Road America vintage event.
Unlike say, Steve Earl's Historics at Laguna Seca, where the climate is temperate and the likelihood of rain is, well, unlikely. This results in few of the crew pits being covered.
Road America in central Wisconsin in mid summer is far more likely to see rain. And plenty of it. Which happened this year. As a result the majority of crew pits are covered against rain, not merely shaded from the sun. Fully covered crew pit areas present a very special lighting situation. So this year the essay is an experiment in contrasting exposure to express the character of the cars, and the environment they are to be found in. Now granted, I was often graciously offered to have the cars moved into full sun, but declined, to see what art compositions I could produce in these challenging lighting situations.
This year's photo essay is about 40 plus images deep. It is formatted in a page to page presentation.
Being as it a regional event, loyally attend by the vintage sports racing fraternity, you can visit the 2021 photo essay for more coverage. There you will find some significant photo compositions of the usual suspects. They were all here this year.

WeatherTech® International Challenge with Brian Redman