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As those of you who have navigated around the site know, in the early 1990s we pioneered what are now e-books. This was not the ridiculous e-books of today, which are little more than print on a mobile screen. With the publication of ARCD we combined the depth of a print book with the animation, sound and motion of broadcast.
Why bring this up here? Because we decided to experiment with some of the elements of ARCD in re-presenting this great article, well conversation really, with Fred Wacker. Fred of course was an early proponent of road racing in the States after the war with his MG, then infamous Cad-Allard. He then went to LeMans with the Cunningham effort in 1951. While there he arranged to enter Grand Prix. Becoming the first American driver in Grand Prix after the war.
Now that’s a sketch of the story, but here we have formatted something digital and unique. We decided to take the print article and combine it with our taped conversation with Fred, and interweave it all with film of Fred’s racing effort as captured by he and his friend Wally Mitchell.
While the conversation was recorded for the Velocity archives, a print version appeared, in its ten thousand word edited version, in Vintage Motorsports. When asked to be guest speaker at the Elkhart Lake Historic Race Course banquet, a complete digital animation production was presented.
Here we have a bit of both, kind of, as stated above, a print article, a Podcast and some film.
So take some time, relax, get a drink, and navigate through the early post war days of racing, in the States and Europe.
Once the we present the navigation tips at right.
Car Culture Radio presents an interesting article:
A reader's medium that combines a Podcast with film.
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In the text look for the amber drop shadow behind the linking text. Click to watch and listen. It is live here for an example, try it.
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Gentleman at Speed: Fred G. Wacker Jr.